
Need to do research? Use our subscription databases to find citations and full text articles. To get started, just click on the database that you would like to search. If you're outside the library, you may need to enter your library card number and PIN in order to access the database.
—You can find state, county, and city information, including maps, flags, photos, cultural and food information and fast facts.
America's News Bank
—Read newspapers from around the country. Access a variety of current and retrospective news media including business journals, newspapers, newswires, broadcast transcripts, blogs, videos, & web-only content. Also Access the Philadelphia Daily News (1978-current) & The Philadelphia Inquirer (1981-current).
Booklist Online
—All Booklist and Book Links content is now freely available until further notice.
Data Axel/Reference Solutions
—Data Axle/Reference Solutions (formerly ReferenceUSA) contains detailed information on more than 14 million U.S. businesses, 210 million U.S. residents, 855,000 U.S. health care providers, 1.5 million Canadian businesses, and 12 million Canadian households.
— Both generalized and specific research databases ideal for academic projects.
EBSCOHost: Point of View
— A variety of resources providing arguments for and against controversial issues.
Facts on File Databases
—An online version of the well-known Facts on File series. To login, type in the username "Pennsauken Free Public Library". The password is your library card barcode. Individual databases include:
- American History Online
- African-American History Online
- American Indian History Online
- American Women's History Online
- Ancient & Medieval History Online
- Modern World History Online
- Bloom's Literary Reference Online
- Ferguson's Career Guidance Center
- Science Online
- Curriculum Resource Center
- The World Almanac For Kids Online
- World Geography & Culture Online
- Health Reference Center
Gale Presents: Peterson's Test and Career Prep
—Peterson’s Test and Career Prep helps students and adults be better prepared down the road for both college and their career. Discover comprehensive test prep and career solutions from Peterson’s, a world-leading educational provider.
Heritage Quest Online
—HeritageQuest Online provides genealogical and historical sources for more than 60 countries. It delivers an essential collection of genealogical and historical sources—with coverage dating back to the 1700s—that can help people find their ancestors and discover a place’s past.
Jersey Clicks
—With your Pennsauken Library card, you can access multiple online resources, including genealogical, business, legal, newspaper, Novelist, Referencia Latina, and other databases.